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Vérité 03

Vérité 03 Vérité 03 Vérité 03 Vérité 03 Vérité 03

Vérité 03


SKU: 9788195465859

Comix India

Product in English. Pages in Japanese for illustration purpose.

Vérité is a comics anthology series containing Indian comics and Japanese alternative manga. Volume 3 of the series features a special on Hirata Hiroshi (1937-2021). His 1962 classic manga Bloody Stumps Samurai is reprinted here with extensive essays by Kure Tomafusa, leading Japanese comics and cultural critic, and Ryan Holmberg, comics historian and translator. On the Indian side, we have stories by Lokesh Khodke, Akshay Sethi, H.A. Anil Kumar, Gagan Singh, Shaunak Samvatsar and Bharath Murthy. Plus, leading comics historian and critic Paul Gravett interviews Simon Lamouret, author of the graphic novel The Alcazar, published by Comix India.

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